Urup Arcitecture Space Dengan Pendekatan Eco-Futuristic Di Yogyakarta
The Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta has 10 tertiary institutions which have architecture study programs with an average number of students per class of 75 so that if all of them are added up there are approximately 3000 architecture students who are actively studying. Some of the activities of architecture students outside class hours based on the author's observations in the field in 2022 are working on studio assignments, conducting sharing sessions, attending literacy activities, visiting workshops or exhibitions, and participating in student communal activities. There is a lot of potential when viewed from the number of architecture students who participate in various activities, but they are limited by the time available for lectures, so a representative building is needed that can facilitate their activities outside the campus in the form of Architecture Space. This building is expected to facilitate activities and foster a culture of literacy and discussion about the world of architecture so that it is in line with the background of the City of Yogyakarta as a city of education. In addition, this building can provide economic benefits in terms of renting space and selling goods and services for building owners and managers. The design of this building is planned to be in the core area of Yogyakarta City, where it has quite high rain intensity and building density which can cause several problems at the moment, including increasing temperature, loss of infiltration area, lack of green open space, flooding, as well as air and sound pollution which must be immediately overcome. On that basis, the design of the Architecture Space Building uses the Urup concept which aims to maximize the usefulness of buildings for humans and nature by implementing Eco Futuristic principles in buildings. It is hoped that this building will not only accommodate the function of Architecture Space, but can be a solution to possible environmental and social problems for the next 50 years.
Keywords: Architecture Space, Eco Futuristic, Ecologist
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How to Cite
Eka Nurkisyati, N. (2025). Urup Arcitecture Space Dengan Pendekatan Eco-Futuristic Di Yogyakarta. JAS: Journal of Architecture Students, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ejournal.unisayogya.ac.id/index.php/JAS/article/view/3263
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