Toward Aisyiyah Globalisation: Motives, Challenges and Benefits (A case study from PCIA Australia)


  • Sri Soejatminah Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Aisyiyah (PCIA) Australia, Australia
  • Anita Saijah Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Aisyiyah (PCIA) Australia, Australia



Aisyiyah, globalization, women, social, engagement/participation, cultural capital


Globalisation and internationalisation are common phenomena which raises internationalisation of Aisyiyah as an important agenda. Established for more than a century in Indonesia, Aisyiyah has its special branches through PCIAs in several countries across the world. Seemingly as support for globalisation, indeed the internationalisation is considered deeper aiming to extent Muhammadiyah mindedness of ‘Islam Berkemajuan’ in the global community rather than merely being in existence through branches in other countries. In this line, Aisyiyah women through PCIA have a role to be active citizens in their country of residence to expand Aisyiyah’s influence in the global community.As still in the infancy phase, PCIA Australia appears to be in a stage of learning to navigate its path toward Aisyiyah globalisation. Perceiving Aisyiyah globalisation as engagement in the local community involving interactions with people from various ethnic backgrounds brings consequences for members of PCIA requiring thoughtful considerations. In this light, this small investigation aims to learn the perspectives of its members around aspects, such as motivations, challenges and benefits from global involvement.Data was collected using an online survey. Respondents were asked about their responses in the context of their involvement in one or two projects: Welcoming the Golden Years (WGY) and Small Kindness Community Care (SKCC). The SKCC is not set up by PCIA, but in this study is used as an example for respondents to support them in drawing their perceptions on global involvement as many members of PCIA have participated significantly. This paper consists of four sections: background, method, brief descriptions of the two projects, findings including motives, challenges and benefits, and conclusions which highlights some points to consider.


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How to Cite

Soejatminah, S., & Saijah, A. (2021). Toward Aisyiyah Globalisation: Motives, Challenges and Benefits (A case study from PCIA Australia). Journal of Aisyiyah Studies, 1(1), 51–74.




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