Singiran Nasjiatoel ‘Aisjijah: Motivasi Islam dan Syair Pendidikan Aisyiyah Surakarta


  • Muhammad Endy Saputro Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta, Indonesia



Aisyiyah, singiran, Nasji’atoel ‘Aisjijah, syair, pendidikan


This paper discusses the singiran (song lyrics) published by Aisyiyah, Surakarta in 1932. Singiran is in the form of a pocket book and is divided into two main parts; song lyrics written for early childhood education (bustanul atfal) and a section aimed at women in general. This paper wants to further analyze how the narrative is represented by this singular. This narrative will be put in the context of the identity of Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah in general in 1930, what is the distinguishing narrative offered by Aisyiyah in the city of Surakarta. The discussion on singiran narratives will also show the character of Aisyiyah (branch) which is different from the narrative of Aisyiyah Pusat (Yogyakarta), especially in terms of education through song lyrics motivation. Through this singular analysis, Aisyiyah's face that is displayed through education will show how fluid Aisyah Surakarta was at that time in accommodating local (Javanese) and global (Dutch) culture, so that this can be used as an ingredient. a reflection for early childhood education institutions under Aisyiyah in the present.


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How to Cite

Saputro, M. E. (2021). Singiran Nasjiatoel ‘Aisjijah: Motivasi Islam dan Syair Pendidikan Aisyiyah Surakarta. Journal of Aisyiyah Studies, 1(1), 75–88.




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