Tentang Jurnal Ini

Focus and Scope

Journal of Aisyiyah Studies is an academic journal owned by Center of Aisyiyah Studies and published by Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. As a multi-disciplinary international forum for the presentation of Aisyiyah Studies and criticism in the fields of education, economic, humanities and social sciences, Journal on Aisyiyah Studies was first published as an annual issue in 2021.

aisyiyah studies, dijelaskan

Publication Frequency

Twice per year: July and December

Open Access Policy

Journal of Aisyiyah Studies provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This journal is open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or / institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author. This is in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative.

Journal History


  • Journal of Aisyiyah Studies launched by Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta