Tourism Impacts on the Sense of Well Being and Satisfaction of life


  • Ratna Roostika Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia



tourism impacts, residents’ well-being, life satisfaction


The increasing of global welfare and economic development have caused the increasing number of tourists travelling around the world. Tourism and travelling are tertiary needs and have only become lifestyle when people or family have achieved considerably above average income. The increase of travelling lifestyle has not only impacted to the tourists themselves but also the residents living in the tourism areas. The objective of this study is to investigate how tourism impacts in terms of economic, social, cultural, and environmental impact on residents’ well-being (material, community, emotional and healthy/safety well-being). Further, residents’ welfare are tested on their impacts on life satisfaction. This research collected 179 valid responses from the city of Yogyakarta residents around local tourism areas. Using Partial Least Squares (PLS), it reveals that social and cultural impacts of tourism do not influence residents sense of well-being as well as their satisfaction with their life. Thus, residents’ life satisfaction caused by tourism activities are more defined by economic and environmental impacts. These impacts have been identified to significantly influence sense of material well-being and sense of health and safety. It can be concluded that from the tourism perspective, residents’ life satisfaction is determined more from the gain in material well-being, health and safety.


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How to Cite

Roostika, R. (2019). Tourism Impacts on the Sense of Well Being and Satisfaction of life. International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1(2), 83–93.




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