Evaluasi kepuasan kerja perawat di ruang MPKP, persiapan mpkp dan non MPKP


  • Ibrahim Rahmat
  • Maulina Nugraheni
  • Sri Werdati




nursing care, job satisfaction, PNPM


Abstract: This study aims to determine differences in job satisfactionof nurses in three rooms with a nursing care delivery system by themethod of PNPM, Preparation and non PNPM PNPM GrhasiaHospital Yogyakarta. The method used was a cross sectional studywith comparative descriptive approach. The results show that nursesat PNPM is largely at the level of job satisfaction is high (77.78%).Meanwhile, in the preparation of non-PNPM PNPM and 100% ofnurses are in high satisfaction rates. The statistical results showed nodifference in job satisfaction between PNPM, PNPM preparation,and non PNPM.


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How to Cite

Rahmat, I., Nugraheni, M., & Werdati, S. (2020). Evaluasi kepuasan kerja perawat di ruang MPKP, persiapan mpkp dan non MPKP. Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah, 12(2), 143–148. https://doi.org/10.31101/jkk.305




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