Pengaruh pemberian asi eksklusif terhadap status gizi dan perkembangan bayi di puskesmas gamping II


  • Wahyu Widayati STIKES Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
  • Detty Siti Nurdiati
  • Anjarwati Anjarwati



exclusive breastfeeding, nutrional status, infant


Abstract: This study aims to find out the correlation of exclusive breast- feeding and the nutrional status and development of infant aged 6-12 months old. This is an observational analytical research. The data are analyzed using bivariate analysis of ChiSquare and multivariariate logistic regression. Based on bivariate analysis, there is a significant evidence regarding the correlation between exclusive breastfeeeding and infant nutrional status, as the value is OR 21.317;95% CI 2.761-164.565. The bivariate analysis in exclusive breastfeeding and infant development shows that there is a significant evidence in exclusive breastfeeding and infant development as the value is OR 6.000; 95% CI 2.548 – 14.130.


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How to Cite

Widayati, W., Nurdiati, D. S., & Anjarwati, A. (2018). Pengaruh pemberian asi eksklusif terhadap status gizi dan perkembangan bayi di puskesmas gamping II. Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah, 12(1), 60–68.




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