Aplikasi Urban Akupuntur Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana pada Permukiman Kumuh di Kota Makassar





urban akupuntur, spasial, perancangan kota, permukiman kumuh


Urban acupuncture is an urban design approach that manages certain parts of the area so that it affects the performance of an urban spatial plan related to disaster mitigation efforts. This study aims to examine the spatial elements of Makassar city that can be stimulated according to the Urban Acupuncture approach which is focused on heavy slum areas, namely the Mangarabombangng area, Tallo Village. This research is a qualitative method with a descriptive research approach. Data are obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research formulate elements of urban acupuncture that can be applied to the slum area of Mangarabombangng, Tallo.


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Department of Architecture


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How to Cite

NUR, K. W. (2023). Aplikasi Urban Akupuntur Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana pada Permukiman Kumuh di Kota Makassar. Jurnal Arsitektur Dan Perencanaan (JUARA), 6(1), 12–22. https://doi.org/10.31101/juara.v6i1.2757

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